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How nutritious are the vegetables that you buy?

נמרוד קפלוטו

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Spoiler alert: They aren't particularly nutritious.

Consumption of leafy greens is very popular nowadays due to their flavor, nutritive value, and health benefits. For example, lettuce, one of the most consumed greens, is a rich source of active bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenols, antioxidants, vitamins (C, A, and folate), and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.

Unfortunately, much of this nutritional abundance deteriorates through the post-harvest supply chain, which involves processing and handling, transportation, storage, and display on the retail shelf. All of this happens before the greens even reach your home refrigerator, where they may stay for an additional 3-4 days, on average. The main factors affecting the quality of fresh vegetables are physical handling, washing and disinfecting, temperature, and relative humidity.

Studies have shown a significant decrease in ascorbic acid, total chlorophyll content, and carotenoids throughout the value chain. About 25% of the ascorbic acid content in lettuce is lost during storage, approximately 48% is lost on the retail shelf after 2 days, and around 81% is lost on the retail shelf a day later. Similarly, total chlorophyll is reduced by 38.2% at the storage point and by 67.3% on the retail shelf. Total carotenoid content is also reduced by 22.9% at the storage point and by 47.8% on the retail shelf.

Measurements of mineral elements in leafy greens have also shown significant losses. The reduction of K, P, Ca, and Mg at the retail shelf is 24%, 22%, 25%, and 14%, respectively. Trace mineral elements such as Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, and B were found to have been reduced by 49%, 34%, 50%, 79%, and 23% on the retail shelf.

The conclusion is clear: if you want the vegetables you eat to be nutritious, consider growing them at home. However, this is easier said than done, as most of us lack the means, time, and expertise to grow vegetables at home. Luckily, there’s a solution – Agwa has just launched the most amazing device, the first of its kind vegetable-growing home appliance that handles all the growing for you. All you need to do is place capsules in the device and enjoy a steady stream of chemical-free, super fresh greens, herbs, and bulbs for a family of four.

What sets Agwa apart from contemporary home gardening kits is its AI Virtual Agronomist, which monitors each of the 60 plants in the device and remotely controls every aspect relevant to their growth. This makes the device consistently effective in the long term and offers a hassle-free user experience.

For comprehensive details, please visit the official website:

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